Jolly Holiday Yarns
Hi!! I’m Katt, the military spouse and dog mom behind Jolly Holiday Yarns. I’m an avid crocheter and knitter, but there’s nothing more exciting than a package of bare yarn! I love the never-ending possibilities that come with yarn dyeing. I’m inspired by everything from everyday items around me to cosplay to our traveling adventures. You're likely to see every color in the rainbow in my shop.

Jolly Holiday's Story
I jumped on the crochet train back in 2012, starting with a giant Double Crochet not-so-square blanket made from Bernat Blanket Yarn.

The not-so-square crochet blanket
I was immediately hooked! I dove into the world of acrylic and cotton yarns, making enough blankets in a year to yarn-bomb a 2-story house. I continued to create amigurumi, a baby blanket, and even a set of laundry baskets.
In 2018, we were stationed in Germany, and finding yarn I liked was difficult! I had a lot of trouble finding shops that carried the brands and colors I preferred. After a chance encounter with two amazing fiber artists (now fiber-besties), I took the plunge into the world of knitting and the Wild World of Wool. I quickly fell in love with the delicious bases but was again disappointed in the colors available.
Mr. Holiday modeling the first sweater I knit... It was waay too small!! HAHA
I ended up down a YouTube rabbit hole that led me to the ChemKnits YouTube channel. Rebecca was experimenting with food coloring, sports drinks, and popsicles as sources of yarn dye! She created terrific colorways with items I already had in my home! So I had to try it!
My first dyeing attempt was with red and green food coloring. It looked like Christmas threw up! HAHA
It's not pretty, I call it Christmas Camo.